Minimal object storage S3 compatible

Minio cloudberrylab

Table of contents:

At Cloudberry lab I’ve met lots of cases where customers would like to use their FTP or even webDAV stack as backup destination. In some cases this become a nightmare and either backup window is not affordable (e.g. backup performance is not really awesome). I started to seek for alternative to this legacy architectures and, I guess, I found the first and the fly is good so far! Minio — minimal object storage, what acts as generic s3 compatible storage.

These are the major benefits of this tiny tool:

All these above are enough for me for now to consider Minio is great example for stress-tests and production environments.

Here is my experiment — going to build S3 storage for my backups. The very first thing I am going to setup my Minio server by following this guide.

As part of the experiment I am running this S3 compatible on my Mac with network share (it is just NAS) attached over SMB. All these prerequisites are really straight forward, so I am just going to skip them and go ahead with starting my server pointing to my NAS the following way:

1chmod +x minio
2./minio server /Volumes/NAS/folder/backup/

As I am going to use Cloudberry Backup for Windows I also need proxy server to downgrade my v4 to v2 signature (more info here). We are going to deal with the following proxy done. I am going to skip go installation and we are having proxy running here by the following command:

1./s3v2tov4-proxy -l :8000 -f http://localhost:9000 -access access_key -secret secret_key

Where localhost with port 9000 is default (feel free to change it accordingly) server and port where my minio instance sits. 8000 port is where I am proxying it. So all requests to my localhost:8000 should go with v2 signature and this is the server I am going to use for my Cloudberry backup endpoint. Finally here we go with Cloudberry storage configuration as S3 compatible:

Minio S3 compatible Storage in Cloudberylab

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